Just got back from my booksigning at Conkeys. It was worth the entire trip just to see my English professor, who showed up out of the blue to say hi. Professor Peter Fritzell is a brilliant man—a master writer—and he completely changed the way I look at the written word. It was such a blessing to see him again.
Anyway, here are some more pictures:

The bookstore itself, and the place all the students at Lawrence go to buy their text books. I love Conkeys. It’s so homey.
This is a promotional idea that I used for a lot of the booksellers who requested material – I took the RT ad and just blew it up to poster size.
Patty is the nice woman who arranged my booksigning at Conkeys.
I’m pooped. Going to go take a nap. I’ve been exhausted for weeks now, but it will all be better soon. Take care, everyone!