It’s a gloomy day out and I’m writing a gloomy sort of scene. Michael (my vampire) and Keeli (my werewolf) have just revealed to their human friend that something bad is on the horizon, and that the next time they all see each other, it may be in the middle of a war. And then they go for a walk and laugh at obscene grafitti.
Uh, yeah. It’ll all work out in the end, I’m sure.
Lately, I’ve been getting some emails from people (wow!) asking about my writing process, like whether I outline or not. I don’t. If I did, nothing would ever get done. I think I would deviate from an outline just on principle. Some people don’t get stunted by completely plotting out their stories from beginning to end, but I get bored when I do that. What’s the point of writing if you already know what your characters are going to do? My heroes and heroines throw me curveballs all the time, and I love that. I love being surprised by my unconcious.
Having said that, however, I should also point out that lately I have been jotting notes down at night before bed, little ideas about where the story could go next. I don’t always follow what I write, but just a line or an idea helps jumpstart me when I get up in the morning and sit down at the computer.
Which may be more than any of you wanted to know about the way I write, but hey! If you have questions—about how I got published, what the behind-the-scenes process is like, anything—just send them my way. What the heck!
PS: Happy Veteran’s Day!!! Thank you to everyone who serves (or has served) in our military! I love you all!