I’ve written about 2300 words this morning, so now it’s time for a break. Reading my friend’s list, and saw perihawk’s great post, which I’m just quoting in its entirety (because she says it so much better than I ever could):
Regarding pharmacists and other health care professionals not dispensing birth control, I have a TON to say. To start with, it does get my hackles up that people use bad logic and call it science. Second, getting mad about this will do nothing. Except maybe make you feel better. Be that as it may, get over your mad quickly. You have to act in order to make a difference. Should you ever be denied birth control by a pharmacist, ask for his or her supervisor immediately. Report their actions to their supervisor, and ask for your prescription. Should that pharmacist be the only one on duty, take back your prescription, and grab the 800 number to the retailer on your way out the door. Go to a different pharmacy. When you get home, call the number, and tell the customer service person all about the nice pharmacy you’ve found to replace them because of this pharmacist.
Should your doctor refuse to give you the pill because of non-health related reasons, leave. Go home, contact your insurance company. Tell them that you need a new primary health care provider and why. Ask to go to a completely different practice. Most importantly of all, make sure you tell EVERYONE INVOLVED why you’re doing this.
Be vocal, spread the word about the organizations that have denied you service. Be USEFUL, not full of hot air.
Now it’s time for food and then back to work. There’s a big all-out wolf fight coming soon that I need extra calories for.