Frankly, because I love what I do, and because I work from home (and, too, because I don’t have a family), it’s rare that I take a true day off, without any writing whatsoever (without guilt, which is a careful distinction).
Though I’ll put in some work tonight on the new book, Daisy and I hit the road this morning and drove to Bloomington for a couple hours worth of wandering. I wanted to visit the comic book store (still hadn’t held a copy of Dark Wolverine #76…except for a glimpse or two at Comic Con), but it was closed. Fortunately, I happened to see an elderly couple walking by with some bags of fresh produce, and they kindly informed me that there was a farmer’s market only a block or two away. So off we went! Daisy was a superstar, charming even the Amish lads (but she’s an expert at that, by now)—and by the time we were done there (after tomato tastings, yarn-buying, and standing in line for fresh corn), the comic book store was open, and I bought my issues. Afterward, lunch at a place just up the street that included a small bag of organic dog food with my meal. Daisy was totally in heaven.
It’s the simple pleasures, people. Enjoy all sunny days that you can (and drive with loud music playing, and a windswept poodle in the seat beside you).