Congrats to Heather for winning the soundtrack to DARKNESS CALLS! Email me at for more details.
I’m a bit stumped at the moment—all the fault of one particular scene I’m trying to get through—but no doubt I’ll work out. I’ve watered the flowers, walked down to get the mail, shared an early supper with the poodle, done the dishes—my usual procedure for working-things-out-at-the-back-of-my-mind. Nothing happening yet, but I’m patient. Really, really, patient.
Right. You want to know how I really feel?

(lil’ baby bird, who lives above the front door…)
Here are some of the questions that folks asked the other day:
Karen asks: I’m currently reading The Iron Hunt – am really enjoying it! – and would be interested to know what prompted the switch from 1st-person present to 1st-person past tense (re. POV). I loved the novella, with the sort of dreamy-yet-intense voice. Was it more of a marketing decision for an ongoing UF series?
That’s kind of you. The first draft of The Iron Hunt was written in first person present tense. As was the second draft. Both of which did not work at all. Partly it was the story itself—I was trying to do too much—but also the tone created by the present tense didn’t work in the long form. Not for me, anyway. There are others who can pull off a full length novel in present tense, and do it beautifully (Ann Aguirre and Donna Jo Napoli, just to name two), but I’m not there yet—or I haven’t found the right story.
I Heart Book Gossip asks: How many D&S novels will be in the series? Also, are there any genres you would like to write about (contemporary, historical, or maybe a little urban fantasy)?
I’m not sure how many novels will be the series. At least two, hopefully more. As for other genres, nothing is off-limits. I have ideas for YA novels, mysteries, historicals—but I think I’ve got the urban fantasy covered with the Hunter Kiss series (and the comic books, too).
Kaitlyn asks: I would love to get Dark Wolverine, but I’m clueless as to where I can find it, without driving an hour to downtown K-town (Knoxville) where there should be a comic book store somewhere. Anyway, I have heard you mention the Amish several times in your blog. I used to get these large photography books when I was a kid that documented the Amish community in PA. Rereading your blog made me remember reading those books. I was wondering if you have any recommendations about finding out more about the Amish than just the books from the library.
I have to drive forever, too, in order to reach the nearest comic book store! You can buy comics online, though. Here are some good sites:
I live around a lot of Amish—in fact, they even built the new house I’m living in. As for resources about them, there are some interesting blogs:
Mitch asks: How many issues are you planning on doing with Dark Wolverine? Is it hard to write a character with a very influential background that was created by someone else? Are there any other comics you’d love to write for? What were some of your favorites growing up? Do you still read a lot of comics? Any chance of you writing a Transformer comic? Do you have a time span for the release of the rest of the Dark Wolverine issues you collaborated on?
1. At least six, probably more.
2. Not really, partially because I’m working with the character’s creator, Daniel Way.
3. Yes.
4. I didn’t start reading comics until undergrad, but I loved the X-Men cartoon, and that’s what I started with.
5. Not as much anymore.
6. Doubtful.
7. So far I’m scheduled to be on the book for awhile, so just look for it each month from here on out.
Heather asks: I was wondering if we were going to see books for Rictor, Max, Koni, and Eddie?
I love those guys, too, and you’ll definitely be seeing Eddie and Max’s books sooner, rather than later. Koni and Rictor will be making appearances, of course, but I’m looking for just the right story to give them, and I haven’t found it yet.