Well, it’s nearing the end of September, and starting in November I’ve got three consecutive releases coming into the world. Good times, good times! We kick things off with the anthology, HOLIDAYS ARE HELL, ring in December with MY BIG FAT SUPERNATURAL HONEYMOON, and at the end of January, THE LAST TWILIGHT is hitting the shelves.
I will, of course, attempt to brainstorm promo ideas, but probably will just come up blank and let nature take its course. Either way, expect some excerpts and more as the days roll deeper into Fall.
From the comments in Mandy’s blog, Moondancer Drake asked: I’m interested to hear more about what made you choose to write romance, and what other genres do you enjoy writing in as well. What new things would you like to try as far as your writing goes you may now have tried doing before?
I sort of fell into romance. I loved reading it, but I also loved reading fantasy. Not that I was thinking of either (not consciously) when I wrote TIGER EYE. Writing that book was a very organic process, and it just so happened that it fell naturally between those two genres. I haven’t looked back since. I love what I do.
As for what new things I’d like to try…basically, I’m trying them! I’m writing my Urban Fantasy series, and I’ve got ideas for straight thrillers and YA novels. I’d like to write historical fiction, non-fiction, chick-lit…anything and everything! It’s just a matter of time.
Here, is a lovely and brief post from Colleen Thompson on the subject of fear and writing: So today, I ask myself what’s worse than a tight deadline. To which I answer “No deadline at all.” Today I ask myself what I’d rather be doing. To which I answer, “Nothing” and write on.
Amen to that.