First of all, congrats to Kylie for winning the tote bag! Contact me at with your contact information.
Next up, tomorrow at 11 AM PST (2 PM EST), I’ll be chatting at Second Life. Now, for those unfamiliar with it (like me, until very recently), Second Life is a “free 3D virtual world where users can socialize, connect and create using voice and text chat.” Actually, once you’re inside it’s way cooler than that. You can find all the details, including how to sign in, at the Dirk & Steele blog.

In other fantastic news, I can finally talk about a new anthology that will be released in 2010: With Great Power, a collection of Superhero Prose Tales for Pocket books. Check out the link for a list of the other contributing authors, all of whom are lovely and exciting. Here, too, is what editor, Lou Anders, has to say about the anthology:
Coming in over 120,000 words, and featuring 15 stories by some truly amazing authors, 9 of them regular writers of actual comic books and graphic novels for DC and Marvel. No pastiche or parody this, but actual comics writers and SF&F authors who are themselves comic book fans writing sophisticated, modern narratives of superhero adventure, by and for today’s sophisticated comic book reading public.
Finally, a link to a Philadelphia Inquirer article about Paranormal Fiction (I’m briefly quoted): When life sucks, Humans turn to the undead.