I’M ON THE USA TODAY BESTSELLER LIST!!! WOOT! I’m only #119, but I don’t care, I’m on the list!!! ::happy dance with much screaming and waving of hands::
So yes, I’m back. I had a wonderful time, Glasgow is beautiful (if a little rough around the edges) and the memory of cute men with Scottish accents (who are not on the television screen) is now firmly embedded in my mind for all eternity until the day I croak. The Hugo awards were interesting, and while they lacked the spectacle of the RITA Awards (thank goodness, thank goodness, thank goodness, because that fiasco will live on forever, and boy, weren’t the folks at Worldcon amused by all the descriptions of death, horror, and happy 80’s music), I was very happy that Kelly Link won an award for her story, “The Faery Handbag.” I met some wonderful and interesting people (hello, Scalzi, Justine, Scott, Cory, et al!) and caught up with old friends.
In other news, Marianne Mancusi’s house was struck by lightning and burned down. Yes, truth is stranger than fiction. If you would like to learn more about how you can help – and there is an ebay auction where you can bid on manuscript critiques from agents and editors (including my own, Chris Keeslar) – go to the Literary Chicks website for more information.
Things to do this week:
1. Finish more X-Men revisions.
2. Work on Shadow Touch revisions.
3. Work on third (and yet untitled) book in my Dirk & Steele series.
And now, excuse me while I go have a happy melt-down over breakfast.