Daisy was in dire need of grooming, so off we went this morning. As you can see, she is now very nicely clipped and trimmed.

As for what I was doing in Chicago, every year Levy Entertainment, one of the nation’s largest book distributors, chooses authors to participate in mass signings for backlist titles that are sent out to Walmart, Target, and so on. Which means, in essence, that I signed about 6000 books in two days. 4000 the first day, 2000 the next morning (at which point I raced to the airport and flew home early). Let me tell you, it was an operation. Two guys were in charge of placing “signed by author” stickers on the books, while another placed the signed books into boxes for shipping. Donna, one of Dorchester’s sales reps, was there with me—and she was so kind, so sweet, and really, just wonderful. As was the entire staff at Levy, especially Laura, who made all of this possible.

Jose and Oscar, who we couldn’t have done without.

This is Tomas, who was extremely helpful.

This was the last book I signed. Number 6000 & something.
And no, my hand didn’t get sore at all. My shoulders did, just a bit, but I felt frisky as can be afterwards. It was incredible fun. I signed four different titles, in case you happen to see any of them: Tiger Eye, The Red Heart of Jade, Eye of Heaven and A Taste of Crimson.