PBW has a cool post on ways for writers to increase productivity. Very timely, exactly what I needed. It made me think about what I do in a different light.
In my case, I time myself—almost like it’s a race. I give myself an hour—write as fast as I can—take a break, and then start all over again. Sometimes what comes out is bad, sometimes not. But at least the words flow. I can always go back and make repairs. Although, I’ve found that I’m often a more interesting writer when I work quickly. There’s no time to think, to second guess. I play by ear, by feeling.
I used to take tango lessons, and at the few milongas I attended, my dance partners used to complain that I tried to lead. So, I closed my eyes and danced blind. Let them lead me, literally. And you know what? I was a better dancer. I wasn’t dancing with my mind—I wasn’t letting my eyes deceive me. I was just listening to the music, my heart and body. I was going with the flow.
Same thing. The words are there, somewhere. All you have to do is sit down, shoot from the gut. Get those moves groovin’. Something will happen. And it’ll be good.