Pulled two names out of the hat: Barbara Elness and Evelyn. Email me at marjoriemliu@gowebway.com, and I’ll get those Amazon.com gift certificates right out to you.
Well, Christmas Eve is upon us, and with it, a new year will soon be ushered in. Maybe it’s just me, but at this stage of the holiday, so close to the day, I always feel that even at its busiest there’s a hush that falls upon everyone and everyplace. Not all the time, but it’s there. I battled Walmart yesterday, and it was crazy—but there were moments when I felt that peculiar sense of quiet and peace. Maybe that sounds nuts, but when I think of Christmas, that is one of the feelings that rises up within me—and why I love this holiday so much. That stillness, that quiet, that invitation for reflection and peace at heart.
It’s raining outside—no white Christmas for us, but I’ll be thinking snow and silver bells, nonetheless. Below is a shot from Beijing—a tree, a giant television screen—which was rather awesome in real life (though it can’t beat the simple stuff we’ve got at home, which—being that it’s home—makes all the difference).

Today’s giveaway? Two lucky people will win an iTunes download of their choice: either The Bishop’s Wife (Cary Grant version), White Christmas (Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye), It’s a Wonderful Life (James Stewart), or Holiday Affair (Robert Mitchum)—four of my favorite holiday movies (though I’ve got plenty, let me tell you). I’ll be drawing names a little earlier than usual, at midnight tonight, so don’t delay. And while you’re at it, I’d love to hear your favorite holiday rituals, music, or movies.