To celebrate the upcoming release of Darkness Calls, the second book in my Hunter Kiss series, I’ve written a love letter from Grant to the unborn child he hopes to one day have with Maxine. It will be released in four parts, and today the first section hit the Romantic Times website. I hope you all enjoy it—and if you do, let your friends know, too! It’s a letter fans won’t be able to find in any of the books–instead it will be posted in 4 different sections on several different websites starting the week of June 8th. That’s today! And there’s an audio version, too!
*Check out part 1 of the letter from June 8-June 14th at: http://www.romantictimes.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=95
*leave a comment or question to put yourself in the running for an iTunes gift certificate!
part 2 of the letter from June 15-June 21st at http://www.tor.com
part 3 of the letter from June 22-June 28th at http://www.smartbitchestrashybooks.com/
And stay tuned to learn where the complete letter will be posted on June 29th!
Also, there’s a great opportunity at www.BreakIntoFiction.com for those who want to find advice on writing from some of the best in the business. It’s called the 5 for 5 Writer Extravaganza, and it lasts only one week, from June 8-12, 2009 (*Removed at end of day June 13th). Check out the site for more details.