I have a friend who has a friend (let’s call him Surfer Dude), and one day several months ago we were all introduced for the first time, and then proceeded to hang out, have lunch, play tourist—basically, have a lovely time.
So, several weeks ago, my friend forwards me this email, sent from Surfer Dude:
I am at a Barnes & Noble in Maui looking for a Sci-fi book, yes I know, and there across from me is the Romance section. Clearly displayed is a book with a friend of mine upon it. Her name is […….] who is a wonderful lady from Norway. We are very much in touch. I know she was a huge producer for Ford modeling agency and a few others. In fact, she was on a hair salon shampoo poster that used to be all over Shanghai. Then the world began to collapse on itself…….
BOOM !!!!
The book is Marjorie’s Debut book, “Tiger Eye” ! I am serious! Marjorie’s first book has a picture of my very good friend on the cover!
My reaction? Totally speechless.
Still speechless, in fact. I always wanted to know who modeled for that book, and now I do. But I never expected to find out in such a weird, wonderful, way.