“Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is…” – Douglas Adams.
So, it turns out that learning about astronomy with eleven other writers is a lot of fun. I won’t go into all the details because I’m a bit on the run, but we covered some basics yesterday, including popular misconceptions (how much people don’t know or can’t readily explain), and then moved on to a discussion about the Solar System, and the Cassini mission. Dinner was at a wonderful vegetarian restaurant downtown (chili and sweet potatoes for me), which I definitely need to revisit so that I can try their sour cream pumpkin pie. Rarrr.
Here’s a picture of our goofy neighbor that lives across the physics building.
Finally, for those attending San Diego Comic Con, here’s my Marvel Comics panel and signing schedule:
Thursday, July 22
Marvel Booth Signing, 4 – 5 PM, Booth #2329
Friday, July 23
Marvel: X-Men, 10:00 – 11:00 AM, Room 6DE
Saturday, July 24
Marvel Booth Signing, 12 – 1 PM, Booth #2329
Sunday, July 25
Marvel: Women of Marvel Panel, 10 – 11 AM, Room 7AB