Congratulations to cranberrysoda! Send me your contact info, and I’ll get those books mailed out to you.
What a great week. I love my readers—for a variety of reasons—but today, I love you all because you have such rockin’ taste in comfort reads (which, of course, is highly individual, though I found myself nodding along with all your suggestions, from Anne of Green Gables to Anne McCaffery, and oh so many others).
I think there must be a secret language between readers who love the same books. All you have to do is say a title or a name, and it’s like a coded handshake that no one else who hasn’t read—or loved—those books will ever understand. So if I say that I adore Meredith Ann Pierce and the Darkangel Trilogy, someone out there will know what I’m talking about, without being told—and if I tell you that I wish Pat Zettner had written more than one book, a sequel to The Shadow Warrior, someone else will understand why. Maybe not more than a handful of someones—but one would be enough.
So, anyway. I’m going to snuggle in for the night, have a nice supper, write some words, and watch the series ::sob:: finale of Stargate Atlantis. McKay! Sheppard! Teyla! Ronin! I don’t care if you are getting movies! I’ll miss you all!