I’m home. I’m sooo home. Glad to be home, glad to be breathing fresh clean air, glad to be taking my nice long walk with my camera and the butterflies, amongst the lilac and dogwood trees.
The convention was wonderful, though. I love meeting readers and hanging out with my friends (as well as making new friends). You have to get a lot done in a short amount of time (in this case, three days), so every meeting, dinner, and coffee break is just a little more intense than they might be, otherwise. When you only get to see some folks once a year, every minute counts.
– Romance University interview me and Melissa from PassionFruit Games.
– From C2E2: Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way!
– Brief mention at Marvel.com about the X-23 ongoing.
– My interview with Newsarama about X-23.
– Great review of Black Widow #1.
– CBR interview with Daniel Way about the Dark Wolverine ongoing.