I’m home from Kokomo! I had a delightful time, and you should all know that Elizabeth Vaughan and Rosemary Laurey are wonderful, funny, and lovely women. I was very happy to meet them. Thank you so much to Robert and the staff of Don’s Books for inviting us!

Robert’s beautiful daughter loaned her baby poodle dolls for our signing, and they were quite lively. I mean, take a look below! Although, to be honest, I’m not sure that scene they were reading was entirely poodle-appropriate. I probably should have covered their eyes.

All of us together, with one of our sweet readers. I think her name was Kaleen, but I’m having trouble remembering.
Rosemary and Elizabeth!
The whole gang, with two of our readers, Bobbi and Amy, who drove two hours to see us, and then loaded up on books! Woo!