Hong Kong is a force of nature, man. I love it. I love it in small doses, in big doses, every which way you name it. Spent the days just wandering, wandering and writing, writing and eating—and in the late afternoons, because the hotel was near a movie theatre, I watched the new James Bond flick—twice. Because it rocks my socks off.
Below are some pictures from the Peak, which must have the most incredible views, anywhere, of any city. You have to take a tram to reach the area (well, a taxi would do the job, too, but those winding roads might be unpleasant), and I swear at times you feel as though you’re being pulled up at a 90 degree angle. Also, check out that last photo of the tram itself, coming into the station—and the dude working beneath the platform. Nerves of steel, let me tell you.
Here’s another view of the Hong Kong city skyline—as well as the British Colonial architecture in Stanley, which is on the other side of the island and surrounded by blue beautiful water. That was a gorgeous day.
Back in Shanghai now, and buzzing along on the writing. More tomorrow.