Lovely day. The turkey is back, and I think he has a nest in the field—or the woods—or the big woodpile. Hard to say. But he has attitude, that’s for sure. Totally not scared of the lawn mower. The deer, however, are a bit skittish—as well as the frogs and the big six foot long snake that slithered for the hills. Mowing the lawn after it’s been a while always makes me think of The Secret of N.I.M.H.. Little Timothy! Mrs. Brisby! Run, run!
Still working. Still in agony.
This, from the blog of Stargate: Atlantis writer, Joseph Mallozzi, which sounds very familiar: Whenever people would ask me: “Joe, when did you first start writing creatively?”, I�d always hearken back to the dreadful little horror and science fiction stories I used to pen in fourth grade. But, upon further reflection, I realize now that my artistic spirit was awakened even earlier. Truth is I started spinning inventive little yarns around the same time I was old enough to have to field my mother�s questions about schoolwork, friends, and who exactly scratched those stick figures into the upstairs wall. And it�s been something, I�m ashamed to admit, I�ve only gotten better at with time.