Forgive me while I regress for a moment. I’m starting a new book, taking notes, beginning research—all of which is a great deal of fun—but I stumbled across some…old memories…on Youtube, and now feel compelled to share all the goodness of 80’s and early 90’s cartoon themes. Noticeably absent are She-Ra, He-Man, Exosquad, and Biker Mice from Mars (as well as a few other from the Golden Age of Saturday morning cartoons), but that’s only because of space issues. Anyone who knows me or who reads this blog for two seconds will also likely be disturbed by the absence of anything related to Transformers, but as my love for those big metal robots is renowned, I see no reason to hammer it over anyone’s head…again. Michael Bay, you better do my Autobots right.
And for a real blast from the past: