So let this be a lesson to anyone who is thinking of becoming a writer: revise, revise, revise. And lest you think the revisions end after you sell your book, ooohhh no. They continue. But this is a good thing! Because it gives you chance after chance to make your story better, to tie up all those little details you missed the first time around. I’m writing this because I’m in the middle of a revision—a particular scene that weirded people out enough that I was finally told (very nicely) to tone it down. Wheee! I’m a rebel! But I’m just about done with that revised scene, and I’m still happy with it. I’ve been allowed to keep the spirit of what I was trying to present, while at the same time toning it down for a broader appeal. At least, I hope that’s how it works. We’ll see!
The house is still being overrun by mice. I saw one flash its wee white belly at me as it scurried behind an unpacked box. I left it alone. I’m dreading putting out the traps. I really, really don’t want to hurt them, but the germs! Oh, that grosses me out.