I hope all of you had a lovely Easter weekend!
EDITED TO ADD: Does anyone know of a really good online Asian food store? I’ve got a hankering, people. I would also love to find a place that sells tofu noodles. Please! Can anyone help me? Thank you!
Via The Endicott Studio: Tin House, a fascinating and eclectic literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions for an upcoming issue on “Fantastic Women.” Here is a brief description of what they’re looking for: “We will read until May 31, 2007 (postmark date) for the Fall “Fantastic Women” issue AND the open Winter Issue. Fantastic Women—an issue celebrating the women writers working with an emphasis on the fantastical—has a very limited number of slots open for poetry, fiction, and Lost and Found essays. Winter is open to any and all themes and ideas.”
Here, too, in an interview with Richard K. Morgan, author of Black Man and Thirteen, in which he gives this advice to aspiring writers:
(1) Have it clear in your mind from the beginning what you want out of this. If it�s money, then like I said, there are easier ways. If it�s fame, then just get hold of a camera and film yourself doing something stupid or obscene. If, however, neither of those are what it�s about for you, if it�s really about the writing, then go to (2) below:
Don�t Give Up. It�s a long, tough road, with very little sustenance along the way. Even once you�re published, it can still be a surprisingly tough and lonely way to live. But if you really are a writer, then what the hell else were you going to do with your time?
Nothing, I say. Although that reminds me that I need to clean the kitty litter.
Here is a very very cool site called ConceptArt.org, which seems to be a fantastic resource for visual artists.
Finally, A Man Among Wolves is a documentary from National Geographic that I am very much looking forward to, though some of it, I admit, makes me a bit squeamish. I really can’t see myself eating straight from a deer carcass, no matter how much I like wolves.