Some of you may remember that it was a Long Hard Winter, filled with blizzards and ice, and cold toes shoved under toasty cat tummies. Heck, I was stranded for a month at the top of a hill, forced to march a quarter mile every day to the mailbox, bundled up and shuffling along through the woods like a character out of some Laura Ingalls Wilder book. It was fun (no, really), but it’s easy to forget about all that now when it’s 90 degrees out and the world seems to be all about green leaves, green grass, and blue skies.
During the Long Hard Winter, I would stomp down the snow and scatter seed for the birds. A lot of seed. A lot of birds. I think the whole forest visited for lunch. Very chatty.
But, apparently, they missed some of those seeds. Which means I’ve now got sunflowers growing in the driveway.

At first I thought there was only one, but after spending more than a minute checking things out, I realized there’s a scattered little field of sunflowers pushing up through all those layers of gravel. Fortunately, they seem to be growing to the side (mostly), so I’m not running them down with the car. It’s a nice surprise. I love finding flowers growing in unexpected places. You can’t keep a good seed down.