What a lovely day. Much better than yesterday, when I was finally (and inevitably) forced to break out the immodium. ‘Nuff said on that topic.
Finished reading ‘Dance With The Devil’ by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I really enjoy her Dark Hunter novels. She can get a little wordy sometimes, but it’s a great escape, and her sense of humor is crazy. If you want to read the entire series, start with ‘Fantasy Lover’. I know, the title sounds like something you’d see on Cinemax, but don’t be scared off. It’s a fun little romance novel with a rather quirky story.
Another great book I just finished is ‘Morning Glory’ by Lavryle Spencer. So, so good. A beautiful story that will warm you up from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. A movie was made of it some time ago, starring Christopher Reeve, and while I enjoyed the film, the book is a million times better. This is one I highly recommend for you romance fans.
In the non-fiction arena, I just reread ‘Party of One: The Loner’s Manifesto’ by Anneli Rufus, a wonderful book which discusses the “loner subculture”. I myself am a loner—I keep to myself, and I like it that way. ‘Party of One’ is an elegant book that puts into words the exact way I feel about life, which is that solitude can be a beautiful thing.
Okay, enough on my reading life. All of you be safe.