Well, that ear surgery Lucky underwent several weeks ago apparently went too well. He healed up before all the fluids could drain, so he had to go in today for a second procedure. Wasn’t pretty. We got there, he took one look, and started acting like I was going to feed him tail first to some ten foot version of Chucky, Hell Doll. He went paws up, man.
Unfortunately, this time he needs a cone during the healing process. And, my friends, he will be wearing it for the next two weeks. Lord have mercy.

Finally got a picture of the baby bird—or one of them, anyway. Look close. You can see that cute little mouth. I’m sure it’s a sign of a good little eater.

Here’s a very interesting excerpt from a book on “How Tough Times Shape Good Leaders”:
Leaders create meaning out of events and relationships that devastate nonleaders. Even when battered by experience, leaders do not see themselves as helpless or find themselves paralyzed. They look at the same events that unstring those less capable and fortunate and see something useful, and often a plan of action as well.
I’ll be thinking about that the next time I work on my book.
Here, too, is a Publishers Weekly article called “Whatever Happened to Old Fashioned Editing”:
Cultures that value wisdom most have made editors celebrities. Builders of ancient temples in Asia typically carved two statues at the temple gate. One holds a book, the other a sword. The book symbolizes knowledge. The sword is there to remind people to cut things off: to edit. Knowledge is not wisdom until you slice through the words you hear, judge them and are moved to silence.
According to the SlushGod, June 15th is the last day to view and save the stories at SciFiction. There’s some good stuff there, so be warned – you might want to take a look before it disappears forever.
A brief interview with Neil Gaiman about STARDUST (which is a movie that ranks with TRANSFORMERS on my summer must-see list).
Last, but not least, one of my childhood heroes died: Mr. Wizard was 89.