The Naughty Family Pet Company, I have been told, is the oldest pet store in Shanghai. Dogs are sold there—and cats—and there’s a vet hospital and boarding facility that is decorated on the inside with stone walls that look a bit like castle chic (and as of a day or two ago, housed one inhabitant: a sheep dog with a giant bow in his/her hair, who shared a polite woof with me, in passing). I have no clue where the name came from, but the place supposedly has a good reputation for selling healthy pets (as opposed to some of the other pet establishments I see throughout the city). I don’t plan on getting a dog any time soon—Lucky, Raisin, Daisy, and the five cats back home are more than enough company—but man, look at that poodle. That is a mighty animal.
I never did find out if these dogs were merely being boarded at the facility, or if they were for sale—my guess is the former, though it’s hard to say. Just that there were two walls of these glass-fronted cages, and it was like a prison of Impossible Cuteness and High Strung Twitching.
Names says it all, man. Naughty Family, indeed. Check it out—they even have their own road sign.