Thanks for all the outline and pantsing advice, guys! Much appreciated, and I continue to welcome your thoughts on the matter.
In the meantime, NYX Issue #3 hits comic book stores on Wednesday, and here’s some preview art.
Bobby only appeared in the last couple issues of NYX’s first run—and the nature of his power (to possess others, at the cost of his own identity), as well as the complexity of his life, begged for more of a backstory. Issue #3 really belongs to him and his little brother, and I hope you all enjoy it (at least, those of you who are into comics and NYX). Next issue sees the return of an old X-Men character who dropped out of sight a couple years ago. I don’t want to spill his/her/ identity yet, but he/she was incredibly fun to write.
Actually, if any of you have questions about comics or just writing in general, post them in the comments and I’ll get to them over the next couple of days.