I was going to blog about something else, but not ten minutes ago we returned from dinner, only to look out the window and see a man dangling from a rope.
Yes. A rope. 24 stories up. The dude was not alone. And he and his buddy were on a mission.
Back story: Remember that film studio and historic nunnery that were both demolished? And the protests that followed? Well, the other day as I was walking down the street, some of the construction guys were covering up protest graffiti that had been written on the exterior wall of the old studio grounds. Roughly translated, the message seemed to say that the developer should undergo “self-evaluation.” In other words…well, you can guess the appropriate adjective.

Well, apparently, more protest banners are going up tonight. And guess where they’re being hung?

I’ll be curious to know if these are the same banners used last time, or if the message has changed. Either way, folks don’t protest like this all that often over here, not unless you are pretty cocky (and protected).