For many of us, computers become extensions of our lives—diaries and reflections of our work and interests, friends and communications—all the little details that consume us, from to the half-written poem we’ve been struggling for over a year to finish . We invest so much of ourselves in these little machines, which is both good and bad.
I, for one, need a computer. Sure, the stories come from my head—and you’d think I’d be able to write just as well on paper—but typing draws words out of me much more easily than using a pen.
I like the sound that keys make. I like the feeling under my fingers. I think I might even enjoy the act of typing itself. Feels like a dance sometimes, when I really get going. I don’t have to think about where the letters are. My body knows, instinctively—so that all I have to do is think, and the words practically appear on the page with no physical effort whatsoever. I remember playing the piano the same way. You practice a piece long enough, all you have to do is feel it. Your body does the rest.
So, I’m curious. When you write, what’s your method? How does it feel, physically?