Hellboy is on. I love that dude. And Vincent. Ron Perlman is a genius.
Bookseller Chick has posted a bunch of cool links on her blog.
Brenda Coulter discusses the insults lobbed at romance novelists: It’s amazing, really, because romance authors must be fairly intelligent and articulate individuals or they wouldn’t be published. Yet they’re continually painted as fools who dash off a new book every other week because, hey, any idiot could write that fluff.
Yes, it is funny what people say. Although lately I’ve been encountering some very supportive individuals (complete strangers, no less) who are just happy that someone is actually making her dreams come true as a writer, regardless of genre. As for all the other people who turn up their noses? Who cares! Negativity ain’t no bar on my hard work.
Someone in the comments asked: I’m wondering are you a writer that writes straight through your story or do you start with a scene no matter where it’s in the story?
I generally write straight through from the very beginning, but if I get an idea for a great scene I’ll stop and write it down—either in skeleton form or fleshed out. Then I piece it in when I come to the appropriate spot. I did that a lot with The Red Heart of Jade and Eye of Heaven, although with the novella in Dark Dreamers, I just sat down and wrote that baby in one long shot (after throwing away the original beginning, which I am now going to use, I think, for the next Dirk & Steele book).
It rained here today, off and on, which is wonderful because the past couple days have been unrelentingly hot and sunny. And even though it’s still almost eighty degrees outside, the illusion of cold weather is fine with me. Enough so that I would really really like something nice and toasty to drink and hold in my hands. I found a hot chocolate recipie I want to try. It’s called My Drinking Chocolate, or as its creator says, ”It�s very bittersweet, rich beyond the dreams of avarice, and steaming hot.”
Nice. Anyone else have recipes for the perfect cup of some hot sweet beverage?