So, it must be some kind of sign that TRANSFORMERS and SOUL SONG are being released on the same day, right? Right?
Unfortunately, I will not be able to see my favorite autobots from Cybertron until some time next week, if that. Don’t ask. It bites, it cuts, my heart is sad. So please, all of you lucky wonders who get to witness giant robots beating the hell of each other…think of me, just a little. I’ll be home, working. Twitching every time I look at my computer desktop image of Optimus—but fine. Really.
Hey, though! SOUL SONG! Today! Out! Mermen and witches and fiddlers, ahoy! I’m guestblogging about the book over at Romance Reader at Heart, and the lovely Rilley Merrick is holding a contest for the novel, as well. To which I say, thank you. And thank you to everyone who’s been pushing this book on their blogs and forums. Your kind words and support are humbling, and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
So here’s my giveaway: A friend of mine, Gin Hale, who is also the author of the wonderful Steampunk-Gothic-Dark-Romance, Wicked Gentlemen, designed a beautiful logo for my Dirk & Steele series (she did another, too, which I’ll be using soon in a different format).
And, in celebration of Soul Song‘s release, I am offering up your choice of a) a tote bag, b) a sweatshirt, OR c) this cool little shirt, all of which you can see below.

All you have to do is tell me who your favorite heroes are—real, dead, or fictional. The men and women who make you go, “Whoa.” Leave your picks in the comments and I’ll draw the winner on Thursday the 5th.
Today, mine are the soldiers in the American military—past, present, and future. Happy July 4th to all you brave folks who have, are, and will, fight for our freedoms.