It’s Sunday morning here, and Saturday evening for all you folks back home in the States. I had a long night of strange dreams. Men coming back from the dead, warnings about earthquakes, spooky houses. I think there was a marriage proposal, too, but I remember a voice saying we’d have to ‘live with Mother’.
Right. I’m very glad to be awake now.
Here’s some awesome writing advice from the wonderful Justine Larbalestier and Scott Westerfeld. It’s aimed at all the NaNoWriMo participants, but it’s good to read all the same. I’m going to be trying the word clouds, that’s for sure. I’ve also been enjoying Justine Musk’s blog.
Okay, back to work. Gonna try and write several thousand words this morning before I head out into the crisp, clear (for now), Beijing day.

You can enlarge this 1936 rendering of Beijing, which is pretty cool.