1. Don’t back up. Only go forward. Gut it out. Stick to your guns and stay determined.
2. Okay, sometimes back up. Gut it out, but with a plan. Listen to the story. It’ll tell you when you’ve taken the wrong path, but you need to listen, inside your heart, inside your head where logic whispers. Logic will always start with a whisper, but sometimes it’ll shout. By the time it’s shouting, it’s usually too late.
3. It’s never too late.
4. Don’t write pages to fill a quota. If nothing’s happening, toss it. Please. Don’t waste your time.
5. Don’t always hold on to the big reveal. Just reveal it. It’s not the size of the twist that matters, but how the characters handle it. That’s your story.
6. Endurance and spirit, man. And a whole lotta love.