New interview with me over at – and I posted some thoughts about writer’s block at Babel Clash.
This afternoon I received the cover flats for the reissue of TIGER EYE, which means that I can share the cover with you! As I’ve said before, HarperCollins will be releasing the entire Dirk & Steele series with brand new covers—starting this December and running through 2011. If you’ve never read the Dirk & Steele series, it’ll be a good time to start.
Also, if you’re a reviewer or blogger, or if you’re active in other kinds of social media, please feel free to request the e-arc of IN THE DARK OF DREAMS, available now at Net Galley. You’ll have to register with them and ask for approval from HarperCollins, but it’s a good chance to be part of the advanced discussion of the next Dirk & Steele novel. In fact, I would love it.