Maybe I’m a whiner, but if I remember correctly (and I’m fairly certain that I do), I was that kid in school that no one ever wanted on their gym team. I was uncoordinated, athletic as a loaf of Wonder bread, and just about as soft. I didn’t fantasize about boys as much as I daydreamed about being athletic (and that’s the truth). Don’t get me wrong, I was involved in some sports. I fenced—like, with swords—and that was huge fun. But I was still a doofus with a softball and couldn’t run, mostly because of arthritis in my knees. Too much strain on them causes trouble. I can’t tell you how often I’d wake up in the morning unable to straighten out my legs without suffering incredible pain. Still happens, but not as much anymore. I walk a lot, and changed my diet, and that seems to keep down the inflammation. I’m actually quite proud of how much better I feel.
Which is also why climbing to the top of the Lupu Bridge feels like more of an accomplishment than it really should. It is the world’s largest arch bridge, and yes, it’s as huge as you think it is. Massive. Really, really high up there—which was also nerve-wracking. By the time I reached the summit (a word usually reserved for mountains, I suppose, but don’t get picky with me) I felt like I was going to have a small melt-down; like, in a quivering little puddle. The employee who climbed with us didn’t break a sweat or even breathe heavy, but whatever! It was so worth it (and really, not that bad of a hike, as the stairs weren’t steep and leveled out the closer you got to the top).
As part of the travelogue portion of this blog, I highly recommend a visit. Shanghai Scrap can give you the dirt about its placement around the Expo 2010 site, but for the regular lay person, the view alone is worth a trip. Won’t take long, maybe just 30 minutes or so, but I would suggest being in somewhat decent shape (yes, I said it’s not a terrible climb, but still). There was a gentleman who passed us as we were leaving whose lungs sounded as though they were going to explode. I’m not kidding when I say that I feared for him.