Coolness abounds, my friends! I may have just sold my first book.
I got a call yesterday from an Editor at Dorchester, which publishes a lot of the books I go on about here at the site. He’s interested in buying my book! A paranormal romance novel with lots of psychics, shape-shifters, and action. I can’t believe this—everything feels so surreal. I still need to sign the contract, though, and it’s filled with legalese that I’m not familiar with, since I know nothing about the publishing business. I’m trying to get an agent.
Meanwhile, I’m at Clarion East, and I’m having a wonderful time studying short story writing. The teachers are great (last week it was Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and this week it’s Suzy Charnas), and my classmates are quickly becoming my best friends. What an experience.
I’ll update when I get more information. Until then, wahooo!