I’m a day late marking the anniversary of when I sold TIGER EYE, my first book. It’s been six years. I was probably wearing pig-tails the day I got the email. Seriously.

No, that’s not a picture of “the moment.” Although there were lots of “moments” at Clarion.
Anyway. I say this every year, I say this every day, I say this so much people are sick of me, but here it is again: I love what I do for a living.
My life could have been very different. I could be practicing law right now at a firm, or in the JAG, or in any number of careers where being a lawyer comes in handy. That’s good work. I’d probably be doing okay. I might have days where I feel pretty good about my life.
But it wouldn’t be this. And this is what I love. It’s not just the writing, either, though in the beginning that’s what I thought mattered. I mean, it does—but I’ve met amazing people because of this job. I get to work with amazing people, in all levels of publishing—and I’ve had amazing, unexpected opportunities.
So, thank you, life. And thank you, readers, because you’re a huge part of the reason I have this job, and these opportunities—and I will appreciate that, always.
To celebrate, I’m giving away one big bag of goodies, to one lucky person:
1. Christian Kane’s new album, because I’ve been writing to it, a lot (you’ll need iTunes to download it).
2. A signed arc of A WILD LIGHT, the next Hunter Kiss novel.
3. A signed arc of IN THE DARK OF DREAMS, the next Dirk & Steele novel.
4. A signed trade of DARK WOLVERINE (#75-77).
5. A signed Dirk & Steele novel.
6. A signed Hunter Kiss novel.
I’ll draw a name from the hat on Friday night.