I saw this website the other day called Where I Write, and found it totally inspiring and delightful. But what I would also be curious about is whether offices evolve over time for writers. Here’s where I used to work, which was a small comfortable room that was a bit dark and so cluttered with books and paper that trying to get from my desk to the door required risking life and limb (and the cats took great joy in knocking things over and using hardbacks as surfboards):

And this is where I write now when I’m at home:

Austere, empty, calm. No surfboards. Clear path to the door. A lot of light.
And it’s just right for me. Now, that is. A couple years ago I might have preferred the clutter—almost as a sounding board for my brain—but that’s not what I need anymore.
So how about you? What spaces do you enjoy creating in?