That’s all I’m going to say about it. Because I’m superstitious and in the middle of something. And, because there many ways to handle that moment when the words stop flowing. I could write an entire book about the subject—but the simple truth is, I suffer those moments several times per novel, and yet I’ve managed to finish writing each and every one. Looking back, reading over certain passages, I wouldn’t be able to tell you which areas I struggled with. The good days look the same as the bad.
Time is usually the answer. Time, and faith in yourself, and the ability to step back and look at your story from a distance. I can’t speak for those who outline—but for the organic writer, if you’ve hit a wall, really think about your story and where you might have gone wrong. That’s usually the problem. Writer’s Block isn’t necessarily a bad thing in those cases—it’s your unconscious mind giving you an opportunity to fix a fatal flaw. Look at it as a chance to do something wonderful with your book. Don’t be afraid to delete, or strike out on an unexpected path. Writing is fluid, and so are you.