Lots of hot tea. Cups and cups of it. This is one of those days when all I want to do is hide under the covers with a good book, thick socks, cats, poodle, fuzzy hat, and the remote control. Not that it isn’t beautiful out, because it is—gloriously … [Read more...]
Lost in the starry snowy woods…
Given that a ‘state of emergency’ has been declared for this area, it’s fortunate that none of us have any pressing reasons to hit the road. Taking a walk through the woods, though, is another matter entirely. The ice storm, combined with the snow, … [Read more...]
Hailing my gun experts, for a moment.
If a person stumbled upon a rifle or handgun that hadn’t been used in twenty years, would that weapon still function—and if so, would it need some kind of internal cleaning? What would be the risks of using a weapon that old, if any? And yes, this is for … [Read more...]
I used to love old houses. I think I still love them. From a distance.
I’m learning more about that basement than I ever wanted to. Things live down there! But what did I expect? Things live in the attic, too! I’m surrounded by an army of small furred creatures (not including cats, poodles, etc) who seem to … [Read more...]
“The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.” ~ Tom Clancy Right. The bathtub faucet started running uncontrollably today, mere moments after I had a conversation about when the water might be turned on at the new … [Read more...]
I am a galley slave to pen and ink. ~ Honore de Balzac Still in the trenches. Crazy day. I want chocolate. It is snowing, and I want chocolate. I want these words to flow, and chocolate will make it better. And if the words do flow and I finish what I … [Read more...]
Translated through you.
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium, and (it) will be lost. The world will … [Read more...]
For those who trust in words…
John DeFrancis passed away. Many of you may not know who he was, but if you’ve ever studied the Chinese language, even a little, then chances are you owe a great deal to Professor DeFrancis: adventurer, linguist, and philanthropist. Here is his obituary, and one of his … [Read more...]
Happy Friday to you all!
Congratulations to cranberrysoda! Send me your contact info, and I’ll get those books mailed out to you. What a great week. I love my readers—for a variety of reasons—but today, I love you all because you have such rockin’ taste in comfort … [Read more...]
Happy New Year!
Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire. - Jorge Louis Borges … [Read more...]
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