This, I think, is good advice, no matter what you want to do with your life. Though, admittedly, the following was spoken with regards to selling fish. “Originally we wondered, �How are we going to become world famous? We don�t have any money to advertise!� Jim told … [Read more...]
Rain. Finally.
Hellboy is on. I love that dude. And Vincent. Ron Perlman is a genius. Bookseller Chick has posted a bunch of cool links on her blog. Brenda Coulter discusses the insults lobbed at romance novelists: It’s amazing, really, because romance authors … [Read more...]
Alex Epstein on Pushing the Envelope: When I have a screenplay in my head, I sort of “feel” it. I don’t think in terms of beats, though beats are what I write down. I think in terms of story structures. In other words I don’t see a beginning, a … [Read more...]
I love my job.
Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. - Shel Silverstein The signing was … [Read more...]
Books and Blocks
“Follow your own weirdness.” - Annie Dillard Via PBW, Jordan Summers has posted some very interesting information from the publisher spotlights at RWA. Books that recently arrived in the mail: Eternal Nights by Patti O’Shea Night Watch by Sergei … [Read more...]
On the radio!
Spent the day enjoying air conditioning and being thankful for electricity. Tomorrow morning I have my second radio interview ever, which is exciting (the first was in high school when I participated in a roundtable discussion on CSPAN because of a political essay I had written). … [Read more...]
Spent the day just chilling out, which was a nice feeling. I’m glad I never attended any conventions before I sold my first book, though. Too overwhelming, and too much advice—most of which would probably have just hindered me. You don’t have … [Read more...]
I’m home. Thank you very much to all my well-wishers who inquired after my health. The antibiotics had kicked in by the time I had to travel to Atlanta, so I felt great. Tired, but great. It was wonderful seeing old friends and making some new ones, … [Read more...]
Update on the mouse
Right, you thought the story was over. So we’re all clear that I let the mouse go. I released the little darling by the lilac tree, which is beside the house. Two hours later, I took Lucky for a walk. Lucky is not the poodle. He’s the bird … [Read more...]
Big game hunters
Interview with Scott Lynch, and while I’m at it, Fantasybookspot has an archive full of fascinating conversations with fantasy and sci-fi authors, all of which threatens to eat up far too much of my time. Revisions are still chugging along. I’m writing another … [Read more...]
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