A writer is what he writes and becomes what he writes. This is one reason that I have always objected to writing stories that celebrate evil or that show evil as triumphant in the long run. ~ Dean Koontz Just a couple interesting things for this beautiful peaches and cream … [Read more...]
when readers and subjects clash
Fiction is the truth inside the lie. ~ Stephen King Holly Lisle speaks out on writing for readers. I followed a link back to a disgruntled reader�s comments about Memory of Fire, the first of the WORLD GATES novels, because the little Technorati link included the … [Read more...]
my sentiments exactly ;)
I�d rather have no chance. With him. ~ Marilyn Monroe, River of No Return When a flighty heroine solves a crime in the chick-lit mystery genre, she gets a chance to improve both her character and her sex life, or, in other words: A Girl’s Guide to … [Read more...]
Dude, yeah! Inspiration!
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, … [Read more...]
On rewriting your darlings…
I’ve hit a glitch in the current book I’m writing, which means I’m going to start from the beginning and write the whole thing over again. This is not as horrible as you might imagine, and in fact I typically rewrite all my books several times before I … [Read more...]
a room with a view…
So, the wonderful PBW has a new post about the places where writers do their thing, which I found especially interesting because mine has been changing almost constantly for the past year. That’s not a bad thing, especially when one considers how comfy all of those … [Read more...]
This is a picture of Amelia, my friend and fellow Clarionite. She’s an editorial assistant at LOCUS, and the gentleman beside her is her boss, Charles, who is also the owner of the magazine. The inside of the SECC, where WorldCon took place. I really loved … [Read more...]
By the way, a new interview with me has been posted at the Paranormal Romance site. Apparently, their theme this month is romances where the heroes and heroines have psychic/PSI abilities. Cool. They’ve also provided links that will help you all … [Read more...]
Various random things
I’ll be participating in a chat on Monday, August 15th. It’s called “Mind Over Matter” and will be at http://www.writerspace.com/chat at 8pm EST / 7pm CST. There might be a giveaway, but I’m not sure how these things work. I do know, … [Read more...]
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