In real life? The “Awww...” factor of these babies goes through the roof. I wondered why Lucky was sniffing at that tree, and low and behold, I looked up and came face to face with this little guy. There were four of them—not all pictured—and … [Read more...]
Wild night is a’comin’.
Thunderstorms. Mighty thunderstorms. No brimstone, but hail. Nickel sized. Crazy lightning. Daisy is snuggled up beside me, the cats are at the windows, and Lucky is in his dog house. The neighbor’s poor dog, Raisin, is out braving the … [Read more...]
For Me magazine has made The Red Heart of Jade one of its Hip Picks for summer! They describe it as “Pure entertainment at a price that’s cheaper than a movie ticket.” I love that. I just noticed on the Dorchester website that there is a contest … [Read more...]
Gamble me a reader!
I came home today and found a box full of some steaming hot copies of The Red Heart of Jade. I was very happy to see them. Looking for new ways to promote yourself? This is interesting: “Casinos historically limit themselves to the types of activities … [Read more...]
To be honest, I had no idea that Dark Mirror had been translated into German, but apparently it was, and a very nice reader sent me the foreign cover to the novel: That just tickles me to death. And here’s something else that’s fun: … [Read more...]
Home & Working
I’m home. I got home yesterday or the day before, or some time in the past fourty-eight-or-so hours, and I’m tired, tired, tired, but there is a book still to finish and I will get it done. Hard work will prevail over all. Woof. I left … [Read more...]
Reunion & Q&A
“I got my big break when I was five years old, and it’s taken more than 70 years to realize it. At five I learned to read, and I would not be standing here without the books, plays and scripts.” —Sean Connery The reunion was a ridiculous amount of … [Read more...]
I am sitting on a plane as I write this (though I will be in my hotel room when I post it, so I suppose that takes out any fun in pretending I’m blogging while in the air). I’m flying to Seattle for my ten year high school reunion. Yes, let the laughter … [Read more...]
Still writing my longest book ever.
“And he probably had saved the world a few times, but it had generally happened accidentally, while he was trying to do something else. So you almost certainly didn’t actually get any karmic points for that. It probably only counted if you started out by thinking in a … [Read more...]
The vultures are circling…um, literally.
Congrats to dragonuangel and rkmiabamer for winning something in the drawing! I’ll be holding another one next week on Wednesday, so as always, send me an email if you’re interested. *** Yesterday there were about twenty Turkey Vultures, aka Cathartes … [Read more...]
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